Your body goes through lots of changes throughout your pregnancy and inevitably you will gain more weight. After giving birth you will notice your body will just not automatically ping back into shape and back to your previous weight. Therefore you will need to take action and decide how you will lose weight. It could be through a specific weight loss diet plan or just eating healthy foods to lose weight. The best weight loss program will be those that are specifically targeted at new mothers as these are generally a lot slower in pace and will be filled with all the vital food nutrients that you body needs especially if you are feeding your new baby.
Take Action
It can be difficult when you are a new mom, as you will find that the new arrival will take up the majority of your time and leave you very little to concentrate on your goals. However if you truly desire to get back into shape and get back the body you once had then you will need to focus on your motivation for weight loss and ensure you take action to get back to your ideal weight.
Weight loss tips for Women
The first step you will want to take is to ensure you have set your self realistic goals, as stated previously this will not be a quick fix and will take time and if you set yourself unrealistic targets you will increase your chances of failure and this will affect your confidence and cause you to lose your motivation for weight loss
You will need to exercise gently at first and gradually increase your exercise levels as your body becomes more accustomed to it. Too much too soon can be dangerous if you have just had a baby so go easy on yourself and don’t go pushing yourself at the gym. Ideally you could just go out walking with your new baby or you could follow a diet and exercise program that is gentle and not too extreme.
Perhaps you could get a group together of new moms that you have met since you had your baby and most women want to lose weight after having a baby so you could set up your own slimming group. This will increase your motivation for weight loss as well as you will be working with others. This is also a great idea for sharing tips and recipes with each other and of course giving you a social life which can sometimes be hard when you have a new baby.